A drum beat and moves that pay homage to legendary women form the basis of a fitness fusion class created by instructor Vanessa Acero and drummer Mila Tina. Credit: Paulette Moya
Fitness fusion beginner-friendly workouts gain popularity on Long Island
Fitness With A Beat
Trainer Vanessa Acero and drummer Mila Tina describe their classes as fitness with a live drum beat for a martial arts and cardio regime that pays homage to legendary women. The fitness class is held at 7:30 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month at Southampton Gym.
It’s like a performance. Tina, in flowing goddess-like garb, plays on drums lit from below to set the exercise beat. Acero, 35, founder of a fitness business Alumbra Sport, leads students in mimicking Artemis, the Greek goddess of the hunt, as she shoots an arrow — a move that engages the shoulders and core muscles. Or she might curtsy to honor Princess Diana, toning the legs and promoting balance. There’s also dance, with students pounding the air as if they were playing bongo drums.
"These movements remind participants that they, too, can overcome challenges, tap into their inner power, and carry themselves with grace and purpose — just like the remarkable women who inspire them," says Tina, 37, also a martial artist, of Water Mill.
COST Starting at $30
MORE INFO ritmofitxp.com
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